Character Name: Salina Kinomoto.
Age: 14
Birthdate: 27/8/11
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Gender: Female
Alignment: Neutral
Occupation: Black Mage, Summoner, Hunter/Assist.
Description: Small and thin. Wears dark blue robes modified into a long skirt and blouse, which looks cute, and the traditional straw hat. A small, animated Moogle doll perpetually sits on her shoulder, named Mogimi (Pronounced Mog'-ee-mee), who offers advice, information, or wisecracks, depending on its mood. Salina hides a wand and a dagger in her sleeves.
Personality: Bright (Both in personality and intellect), cheery, naive, the stuff the typical young female is made of. She took an interest in magic after her father was killed by monsters. Currently lives with her mother, occassionally going out to hunt monsters to earn money, although she typically needs some sort of bodyguard, which is why she also took an interest in summoning. Confident and determined, so long as you don't personally attack her.
Weapon(s): A small skinning knife, primarily used for utilitarian purposes (Like skinning) but can be used as a very last resort. A wand with a mana orb.
Limit Breaks: Summon: Summons a beastie at the expense of the presense of herself and her allies. Currently can choose from Ifrit, Shiva, or Ramuh.
Spellbook: Fire, Thunder, Water, Blizzard, Bio, Osmose.